Monday, June 11, 2012

Ortho Robot

The Beginning

Hello everyone!
Welcome to my first review on this site!
Today I'll be reviewing a game called "Ortho Bot". Hailing from, the game features the use of the "Corrective Space Warp Drive" CSWD in which you change the camera's perspective to traverse the terrain. The goal of the game is to get to the green block, or blocks. 

At first the game is ridiculously easy, the first levels teaching you how the game works.

Normally there would be coins scattered along your path, but unfortunately I've already collected them.

But later on the levels get more and more difficult.

After a while the levels do take more than a minute to complete, and you'll probably not grab all the coins the first time through. Letting you go through and complete the game 100%.

That last picture is NOT the end of the game, this level has me stumped (as all puzzle games should eventually) and I'm thoroughly enjoying my time with this game.

As a last not this game is free and has nice techno music in the background.

Enjoy this game everyone!

Credits for Ortho Robot:

Made by: Maurice Guegan
Level design by: Saso
Title music by: BlueAngelEagle
Game Music by: CapsAdmin

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