Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin!

The backwards parody of a certain whip wielding archaeologist

Welcome to another review of another FREE game!
Today we'll be looking at "It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin!".

Title Screen

The game is based around the adventures of Pennsylvania Smith, famous explorer and social activist.
His quest: to take the artifacts housed in museums around the world, and return them to their ancient ruin (conveniently located below the museum).

The beginning of the first level

The game begins out fairly easily with a tutorial level to teach you the mechanics of the game. Later on however, the game gets more difficult down the line. The way the game works is this, the first half of the level is usually the museum where you attempt to retrieve the artifact and place it in it's proper place. This usually involves you sneaking around guards and staying out of the light. staying in the light for too long will cause flying patrol bots to come and chase you.

The patrol bots! RUN!

The game itself is full of forth-wall breaking humor and witty dialogue. In some areas you can find parts of people's journals, these journals either just have a random comment or a hint as where to go.

It's a journal! Should I read it?
The game is strong in many areas including it's music, the music is a nice chiptune track that gives you the sense of sneaking through the dark halls.
In addition to the music the gameplay itself is smooth and if you fail, weelll... It's your fault.
Later on, the levels become more ancient ruin than museum leading to some more leaping over lava and climbing vines.

Swinging over lava, just another day in his life.
Lava Spiders!

To wrap up my review I would say get this game if you enjoy stealthy platformers, chiptune music, and amazing pixely graphics.

You can get the game from here: https://www.digipen.edu/?id=1170&proj=25076

Thanks to the students at Digipen for making this amazing game!

Age rating: 9 maybe less

Now on to talking about boss battles! (Spoilers ahead!)

In the end the game's only, if any, flaw was the absence of a boss battle. At the ending (spoilers!)

1 comment:

  1. Nice review! Keep up the good work! Love how you have screen shots too!
