Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Username Change

Hey Guys,
                  Just letting you know that TheRealGS99 is now GameGeek99. This may be some useful information in the long-run.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Final Boss!

Review Time!

This time we continue our quest to find a great free indie game, and today I think I've found it.

The Title Screen!

Friday, August 10, 2012

More Reviews Incoming!

Sorry for the wait!

Hey everyone!
Just letting you know that a new review is in the works and that we should get some new reviews in the near future.
Sorry for the delay as well but it's been a busy summer and we haven't gotten around to updating the site in recent weeks.
So anyway, i'll see you soon!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Not Tetris 2!

The final review from

Well everyone It's time for a new review!
Sorry we haven't been uploading anything but we've all been having a real busy summer soo...
Review time!

Friday, June 22, 2012

The News and lowdown

The Weekly Update

for 6/22/2012

(June, Friday the 22nd)

Hello everyone!
DrOctavius here with the first weekly update!
The weekly update is here to tell all of you that we're not dead and also to tell you what's going on with the site.
So now, without further ado, the first weekly update!

First off we're working on reviews and are being kind of slow, so you'll have to wait a little bit for the next review. We can guarantee a review within the next week so stay tuned.

Secondly, we want some suggestions people! We're currently scrounging for a review to take full heartily. We all have things in the works but would like for you to give us suggestions.

And finally, give us some feedback! Comment so we can know who's following us and why.

That's it everyone so have a wonderful weekend playing those games!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin!

The backwards parody of a certain whip wielding archaeologist

Welcome to another review of another FREE game!
Today we'll be looking at "It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin!".

Title Screen

Monday, June 11, 2012

Rainbow Hacker here! We'd like all of you to comment on this post saying what games you would like us to review! We already have a poll about some things we "might" do, but we want your input saying what kind of games or a specific game that you would like us to review! I also hope to be posting video reviews soon, either where I play the game and talk about it while playing, or I will do a review where I stand in front of a backdrop and just talk about the game... Thanks for reading!