Thursday, July 19, 2012

Not Tetris 2!

The final review from

Well everyone It's time for a new review!
Sorry we haven't been uploading anything but we've all been having a real busy summer soo...
Review time!

I'm pretty sure that We've all played or heard of the golden age game of Tetris.
Well the age old classic has returned!
Coming from the game of Tetris has returned fully upgraded with a physics engine (more on that later).

The game definitively has the same appeal as the original, but I'm unsure as to whether this is harder or the first on level 9. With 2 different game modes and 1 new music track the game still has a lot to offer. Let's go through each mode one by one, shall we?

The first mode is the regular "fill a row to win" this might seem easy,

Alright it's like Tetris
that is - until you decide to turn the block.
Okay I'll just put this here

Later on though you get to see where the difficulty comes into play.
What's going on?
So you can see where this is going.
Okay so it's not that bad...


Yeah... this is what happens in normal mode, stack mode is where you attempt to get as many blocks on the screen before losing. Moving on lets look at the 2-player mode.

On this screen we see our points and the various options as well as the controls.

The multiplayer is most definitively the high-lite of this game. The first gamemode is the stack (I mentioned it earlier) and the Invade mode.

This is what happens (more or less)

The game normally would have a border between the two player's fields, but in invade that border is gone (Other than not being able to drop your piece on their side)

Here are some more pictures before we move on.

P1 and P2's blocks turning red and green

Mario won obviously

Now as a finale the options screen, this game doesn't have much in the way of options being such a small game.

You can also change the color of the game!

In the end it's an amazing remake of an amazing game.
The game is available at

I don't think I need to give an age rating as it doesn't have much being such a simple game.

And that's it folks have a great couple of weeks while we still have our summer hiatus!

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